Wednesday, March 28, 2012

March Haul of FUN!

tl;dr > Zeron got a bunch of stuff you see above
So, it's almost the end of March and I happen to get a bunch of stuff. My spending habits are pretty bad and it seems the only person I can blame this on is...not Decade but rather...ONORE SHUKUENSHINOBI. Seriously, that guy is such a bad influence though he is still a great friend. Shuki, if you are reading this, I don't mean it bro, I love you lots.

My first haul is from the greatest toy seller in Matsuyama, Japan, Mr S. and his CSToys International store. This order took awhile to get here (it shipped March 16) since I'm too poor to do EMS shipping. Plus, I don't need to review them right away because I need to enjoy my break rather than pushing out a review the day after I get something. Time and patience my friends, I'll rather spend time doing a quality review rather than a piece of shit where a person talks to a camera and not an audience.

So if you didn't see the picture above, I got Legend Mobirates and Ranger Key SP which I failed to get a long time ago. Since the Legend Mobirates has a special mode with each series...might as well save time and get keys I don't have. I hope to get these reviews out soon, keep bugging me and tell me that I'm doing it wrong. That will give me some motivation.

The next haul is from Target. If you all don't keep up with deals on sites like Cheap Ass Gamer, someone posted the Sunday Ads for 3/25 - 3/31 and they are pretty awesome deals. If you want to check them out, go here. The deal that I got is the Nintendo 3DS sale for $145 and Buy 2 Get 1 Free all games in-stock. If you live in the states, this is a crazy deal especially if you want to get games like Mass Effect 3 and Kid Icarus. Amazon is also matching this sale so I recommend that one too. So what I got were Super Mario 3D Land, Mario Kart 7 and DUH Tales of the Abyss.

One of the main reason why I wanted to get a 3DS was because...I skipped getting the DSlite, DSi, and DSi XL. I was stuck with my phat old DS that no one gives a crap about. Also, I want to share it with my girlfriend who never really got to play with a DS. She played 3D Land at Target and absolutely loves it. So I thought, why the hell not. I get to play some Mario and one of my favorite Tales of game again (from the PS2).

That's pretty much it for today, I wanted to do an update to let you all know that I'm trying to revive my blog. Since I bought a domain name, I might as well use it right? Though one thing is for sure, if I get something new, I'm gonna post about it. So look forward to more updates and also bug me on Facebook and Twitter to get me to update more. Also, if the wall of text is too much, read the tl;dr marks below each posting picture. That will help =D


Monday, March 26, 2012

What is a blog! A miserable little...lolwut?

tl:dr watch >

Zeron with his DSLR Rig
Howell's Vision Photography

Okay, I feel like a total butt because I have this blog and I planned like a thousand times that I will use it but never did. I guess I have a reason to update my blog more often since I bought a domain name and belongs to me (to prevent a person from squatting on my name). I've been doing some tune ups from a blog template to get myself working with HTML again...but I'm probably better off asking afriend to fix things up for me. I just need to make a banner and do some tweaks...Oh well though, we will see.

As of right now, I am taking a short break from reviewing and videos to pull myself together. It's been very stressful lately with my school work but I'm staying strong. Probably the greatest news for this month is my new job at Barnes and Noble; Zeron finally gets an income to buy new equipment and Toku toys. So I can finally get away without saying..."Sorry, lacking funds to buy that toy but I will get it in the future," after I pay off my debt, I'll be in good hands.

I have planned a few things during my break and I still have to work things out. I mentioned before in a Vlog that was planning a new show...that may take a bit of time. There will be a new introduction video for this but it is not meant to change the original introduction video that I have for my reviews. Not much more I can say about this but please look forward to it.

In terms of new structuring, I've been trying to format my videos in a different way and trying to partner up with other people to help each other up. My friend @SerenadedAbyss has been working on some tracks for Rajio Nihon and one for myself. I just need something for my Vlogs as background music, I know it gets very bland without a track playing. Another friend of mine, who is a DJ, recommended a friend that remixes music and may be interested in partnering up with me. I'll have to check out his tracks whenever I talk to this person, maybe we will also have some awesome tracks.

So that's pretty much it, just harass me on my Facebook and Twitter to get me to update my blog. I need to make it a habit of updating it...with all these microblogs, picture sites, and even Twitter...It's kind of hard. Plus...who would read a wall of text?

ZeronXepher - Your DX King